CSR on Steroids and the Amazing Technicolor Text Boxes, or CSR by Type

First things first, I want to apologize, because what I’m going to build in this post is pretty hideous. I’m going to introduce the concept of hooking up SharePoint CSR by type, rather than by internal field name (as most examples show). In this post, I’m going to show how to do CSR by Type, meaning override all fields of a given SPFieldType.

By way of background, yesterday I was trying to override the Client-side Rendering (CSR) of a Url field to allow it to take non-standard protocols like notes://. I didn’t feel like creating a site column so I applied it to the OOB site column called Url. So I setup my overrides like so:

Here I’m overriding the rendering for the field called Url in all forms and views, right? Not so fast sparky! This worked a little too well. My override was getting called for other fields of type SPFieldUrl on the page that weren’t named Url. Ugh! Stepping through clienttemplates.js in the debugger, it quickly became apparent what was going on. In the fields object, you can specify CSR by internal field name, like I’ve been doing in previous posts in this series, but you can also specify CSR by type of field (using the client-side field type, so for instance Text for SPFieldText). This replaces the default rendering for all fields of that type.

That’s actually pretty cool, but the problem with it is that if you have a field whose internal name is the same as a field type, there is no way for you to override just that field. Bad Microsoft, programmer no donut! The rest of this post is going to be a quick demo I put together to demonstrate this functionality. I haven’t seen anything in the documentation for CSR, or any examples, that explain this functionality. Of course, the documentation for CSR is pretty thin.

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